Saturday, September 17, 2011

Chin up buttercup!

1. me being a little silly :)   2. Chin up buttercup!   3. silly strikes again!  4. the state of my little arty corner  5. i love my new earrings <3  6. wish I could just float through the skies like this


It's finally the weekend and I'll be leaving for Adelaide in less than 2 hours :) 

my dad wants to leave the house by 2am! So yeah, I'm still quite awake, even though I've been awake since 7am this morning (jeez louise!) Probably end up napping soon, so it's good I've got everything packed and ready! 

The reason why my family is heading down to Adelaide for a mini road trip is to personally invite our family members still living in Adelaide to my sister Thao and her fiance Loi's wedding this November! :) So it'll be great to see my auntie and cousins again! I'm a little bummed that my sister Anna won't be joining us! :( originally our trip was called off, so she got herself rostered for work this weekend. Sigh. Oh well, this was a very last minute decision for me. But I thought, why not? I need a break! (>_<) worked 7 days straight, and I'd say I'm going a little cuckoo. Sometimes before I fall asleep, I'd still have images and vague memories of serving customers flipping through my mind (=_=) nehhhh, lame! 

Anyway! To start off my weekend, I took my little brother and cousin to watch Johnny English Reborn! :D I drove too! Hehe, felt independent much? Now I can take the younger kids of the family to places without my parents knowing ^-^ sweet! Great movie, couldn't stop laughing :) it was definitely a nice way to relax after such a long week at work! 

On a side note, I'm missing my girlfriends, and I know they miss me too :( Can't wait to see everyone again next week for Alice's birthday picnic! 

I'm taking my dslr along for my Adelaide trip, so hopefully I'll have some nice snaps to post up next time I can blog :) yessire! Okay, time for me to take a little nap, goodnight everyone <3

Love, from Julie xox

P.S. Chin up buttercup! :) a little note for myself and for anyone else who's going through a hard time lately - whether it's with family or dealing with never ending uni work, just keep doing your best, there will be better days <3

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