Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Adelaide Flights Booked! :)

Last minute trip down to Adelaide has been booked and confirmed! I'll be heading back to my hometown next Wednesday afternoon at 5:30pm and I can't wait! Can't wait to see Aaron again and catch up with a couple of my friends. I told my mum and, as always, told me off for always wanting to return to Adelaide, for spending my money carelessly.. and yeah, it's always about the same things. I'm sorry mum, but this is my life. I know I might sound spoilt and stubborn, but I worked hard for this money in a job that you pretty much forced me to do. So I'm pretty sure I have every right to spend it however I like.

I'll just be staying 4 nights, where I'll be leaving Sunday morning at 9:30am (>.<) such a short trip but I'll make the most of it. Aaron says that we'll be cooking for the family to eat for a couple of nights! So that'll be interesting! :D I've already got this recipe from The Herald Sun on how to make bangers and mash! Yum, I seriously love mashed potatoes! The chef at the cafe makes the best, it's actually going to be on the menu tomorrrrrrrow! Even if I'm quite sick now, I'll be working tomorrow and treat myself to some mash (^_^)

$4 passport photos we took along Chapel Street last time Aaron came to visit :)

* * *

After I'll be meeting up with peeps from uni, whom I haven't seen for sooooo long! Pvan especially! I miss uni so much, and I know as much as I used to complain about it.. I miss dressing up and looking pretty (rare days when I do try haha) and going out. Felt independent somewhat haha. Now I just go to work, where I pretty much just roll out of bed and go to work haha :) Good stuff! Anyway, we'll be watching Captain America! *fingers crossed* it'll be a good one! I already made Aaron tell me how it goes lmao, so I know what happens. Oh well. :) I never let that ruin a good movie for me! If anything, it makes me anticipate it more because I understand what's going on!!

Sigh, okay, I should return to bed. These sniffles are being stubborn and I need a good rest for tomorrow! (>_<)

Goodnight and sweet dreams <3

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